Stopping paint and air at the same time. This may not qualify for number one, but it is by far the most common mistake airbrush artists make...ever! It is also one of the most difficult habits to break. It is actually more common among more experienced airbrush artists, especially if they are self-taught.
If you cut off the air and the paint simultaneously, wet paint will remain on the needle just waiting for you to engage the air again, and when you do.... guess where that paint will go? All over your artwork, making your day less than optimal.
The solution: try to keep the air going, even when the paint is not flowing. It's normal to want to stop the paint and air at the same time, because who wants to waste air? However, leaving wet paint on the needle will eventually wreck your painting, so its best to get into the habit if keeping the air on after you stop the flow of paint, even if it is just for a millisecond. This will ensure that your needle stays cleaner, and you will experience less tip dry. ;-)
Carl Splerzer
March 02, 2016
Thanks for the awesome tips. Just starting airbrushing again and really appreciate all the help I can get. Thanks Again
March 02, 2016
Dru..thanks for all of the great tips. I try to follow the advice above but find that 1) the brush dry tips very quickly AND that 2) when I pull back the trigger, the paint does not flow then suddenly bursts out. I have an IWATA Custom Micron SB, an Iwata Micron SB and an Iwata Custom Micron A as well as several other brushes including a small stable of Badgers and an Infinity. All, without expception demonstrate this. They are nothing like the experience that I had at your class a few years back when I was able to have control over the brush and paint. I have replaced tips, needles and o rings but nothing changes. This issue was present right out of the box on all brushes. I use a Silent Air compressor, with moisture trap and filter? I also use Wicked Colors with the proper extender.I know this isn’t a troublehshooting site, but I could sure use a little advice on where to go next. At my wits end!!!! Thanks.
March 02, 2016
Thanks for the info. Great info hope to be in one of your workshops pretty soon. So i can learn some more.
March 03, 2016
Dru, thank you for helping fellow airbrush artists. I appreciate your revelations and knowledge. You a great artist and my inspiration to become even better. I’ve been an airbrush artist for over 25 years now, painting wall murals and canvases. I get inspired to do even more amazing work when I see your amazing work. Keep being amazing. If I can ever be of service to you, please let me know. Thanks. JoeBAM
Robin Bittner
March 03, 2016
It’s a difficult habit to overcome. Especially when you are used to spraying with aerosol cans.
Gunner Hilliard
March 03, 2016
Wow this is something I learned early on from my own experience! I have a habit of spraying air into my hand every time I stop paint flow and air!!! I picked this habit up watching a tee shirt artist do this after every spray!!
De Anne Lamirande
March 03, 2016
Guilty of this, painting for 24 years and aware of my mistake, yes breaking the habit is hard. Thanks Dru