Simon Pasini's material list

Simon Pasini list of materials and equipment for August class:
(all first preference materials are mentioned first in their related category)

General equipment

a heavy and sturdy studio easel adjustable in height is recommended.
Trolley :
with a surface of circa 100 x 50 cm and a height of 80 -90 cm
with underlying storage space is ideal to accomodate all equipment and materials.
Palette :
A palette in formica or similar, 50 x 60 -70 cm ca, a white surface is preferable.
1 large 3 -5 L bucket (to contain water for cleaning brushes and washing
5- 6 disposable plastic containers with lid, 10 cm diameter ca. h 6 cm ca bowls(empty food
containers are ok)
(for cleaning purposes)
Paper towel :
disposable (multipurpose) is indispensable
Metal scraper:
(to clean palette)
Painting surface:
-100 x 50 cm primed canvas on stretcher medium weave, or
-110 x 60 cm loose primed canvas medium weave and supporting board of the same size
or larger, or
-100 x 50 cm primed hardboard
-also, an extra spare piece of canvas for trials etc. could be useful.
Drawing equipment:
-Charcoal stick or pencil , kneaded eraser, sharpener or knife for pencil
-acrylic fixative spray can is recommended.
the use of acrylics will be limited to the intial steps including the background colour and
background texturing so a complete acrylic palette should not be necessary. A
basic tinting paste palette and a clear acrylic emulsion as a binder can offer a very
effective and cheap substitute.
Acrylic gesso,
Acrylic Palette:
zinc or titanium white, yellow ochre, raw sienna , raw umber , cassel earth, cadmium
yellow lemon,
pozzuoli earth or mars red, scarlet, perm. madder deep or quinacridone red, primary cyan,
ultramarine deep, prussian blue, phtalo bue-green or emerald green, payne’s grey.
I aknowledge the value of very high quality = expensive paints but nevertheless the results
I have obtained have been with much lower budget paint usually Maimeri classico, but
also Winsor and newton, Talens, Rowney etc.
Necessary quantity of paint will vary, 20 ml should be sufficient for most colours but 40ml*
is recommended particularly for those indicated *.
Zinc white or titan-zinc white*
yellow ochre
raw sienna*
brown stil de grain or burnt sienna*
pozzuoli earth or mars red or indian red
raw umber*
cassel earth
permanent madder deep
quinacridone red
scarlet or cadmium orange
cadmium yellow lemon
cinnabar green (yellowish)
sap green
phtalo blue-green
primary blue cyan
ultramarine deep
prussian blue
Payne’s grey*
cobalt violet
van dyck brown
Mediums, oils and varnishes:
Linseed oil 75 ml -100 ml
Sunflower oil 1- 2 L or other ecologic dilutent to clean brushes during the painting
procedure used as a substitute of thinners like turpentine or white spirits.
clove oil 15ml (optional)
Liquin (fine detail) 75ml - 250 ml or Liquin original
Spray drying agent
Varnish, gloss spray varnish (optional)
-Hog Bristle spalter brushes width: 8 - 10 cm , 4cm , 2cm
(I use da vinci reine chunkingborste long handle series)
-Synthetic flat brushes width: 6 , 4 , 2 , 1 cm
(long handle are recommended)
-1 medium size rigger, writing or pinstriping brush
-1 round soft badger brush or synthetic cosmetic brush - open bristle diameter 4 - 6 cm
Silicon colour shaping brushes ,very versatile for removing paint effects convenient sets
are available:
I use 1 flat 2,5 cm width type as in picture and 1round cup shaped tip 1, 8 - 2 cm diameter.
However it would be convenient to purchase various types or a set to experiment various
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