
Stopping paint and air at the same time. This may not qualify for number one, but it is by far the most common mistake airbrush artists make...ever! It is also one of the most difficult habits to break.  It is actually more common among more experienced airbrush artists, especially if they are self-taught.If you cut off the air and the...


There is a tool used against artists. Some people think that it is a substitute for money. The claim is that it will gain the artist a lot of business, and therefore the artist should reduce their fee. However, artists tend to forget that the job they do will earn them this anyway, regardless of whether they were paid or...


  We don't perceive reality like a camera does, especially when it comes to color. We unconsciously alter the colors in our world in subjective ways . For instance, we tend to increase the intensity of the colors of objects that interest us, and we end up painting them more vividly than they actually are. However, in the visual world...


Obviously with this stickman, its not the subject. Some artists paint portraits without referring to their subject, whether it be a live model or a photograph.  Creative? Yes. Spontaneous? Maybe. Smart? Well....not if you care that your painting actually resembles the person you are painting. Ok, time for a disclaimer: I'm not advocating becoming a slave to the photograph, but...


Lately, there seems to be a push towards a different type of airbrushing... the kind that involves speed. We've seen some prominent instructors advising young artists to paint as quickly as possible, with little or no regard for results, so we felt it's time to offer a message of our own.  Artists, do you want to compromise the quality of...


Distractions can bring a project to a complete stop, but only if you allow them to. Some artists let the smallest obstacle stop them dead in their tracks.In the worst cases, distractions can also prevent you from moving your whole artistic career forward. Don't become mired down in drama, criticism, negativity, worry, or other people's problems. Accelerate your goals, and...


“If you find yourself asking yourself (and your friends), "Am I really a writer? Am I really an artist?" chances are you are. The counterfeit innovator is wildly self-confident. The real one is scared to death.” ― Steven Pressfield, The War of Art    Creative types can and often do find themselves questioning their abilities. Whether it be due to...


  To the chagrin of many clean freaks out there, it must be understood that disassembling and reassembling your airbrush after every painting session will cause more damage than just about anything short of downright dropping it. The wear and tear of taking your airbrush apart between sessions will strip down the threads and result in loss of air-tightness around...


 Your audience is subject-driven, not technique-driven!I am always trying to improve my technique, since that is the vehicle that delivers my artistic vision. Sometimes I succeed, other times I fail… miserably. The problem is that I will focus so much on technique that I will forget to spend the necessary time required to create stimulating content. It’s easy to forget...


GIGO. It took me a over decade to learn this... I suppose it was because I thought at the time that I knew what I was doing. However, it finally dawned on me that if I start out with a bad reference, I will most likely end up with a bad portrait painting. It's far better to start out with...

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